Boring Video Games??? (Week 8)

I have read about the article about “Video Games are Boring”. I realize there are some conditions where person talking his friends about video games.

First of all, games doesn’t necessary to be boring. Players willing to play or not, it’s depend on the video game itself. Some video games which are short can be boring while other can bring the players what they want to play. Game designer can tell them about the concept of the game where people love it.

Secondly, people should not discourage the game designer. As a game designer, they need to understand the importance of video games. It’s bring people for entertainment and also excitement. For example, when we play ‘Overwatch’, we love how we getting excited on the character we played because they are fun.

Even those people who hate video games started to approach the video games more often. But sometimes, it was very difficult to think on what they actually love to play? However, there are some missing parts where players realize that they love to play video games doesn’t feel that reaction on how good the graphics are. Graphics is the best part to reflect the players for more attraction.

Lastly, I would say that they need to have the experience they care about based on what they love from movies and books. Create a good video game are very important to catch their fans attention and the experience on what they really want. To anyone, video games are not boring at all.

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